Thursday, January 19, 2006

[from BEAN] Battlestar Galactica Get Together
TV, Friends and Family

UPDATE: Well that was fun, thanks for organizing all of this Amy! And thanks to BEAN-ers Niphon, Svet,Sonja, Emek, for the food and conversation, I am sure we will do this again.

Hey whaddya know a few other people like this show! Amy Chang has suggested some kind of BEAN-ish get together for some Battlestar watching and snacking. We don't have too many details sorted out, but hey please indicate your interest by commenting to this post or Amy's.

Did I mention this show kicks ass? OK first full nerd-dom disclosure: I like Lord of the Rings. I liked star trek. I played Dungeons and Dragons in middle school. I get The Onion joke about "Bill Gates gives self 18 in Charisma." But I have my limits. I have never, ever worn a cape. This show is not really limited to that kind of appeal.

It's smart and full of dialogue, its not reliant on the characters being really good looking, not full of sci fi science mumbo jumbo. There is lots of political and religious conflict, without any ham-fisted messaging. Got suspense, complex characters, and reveals sh*t in a timely manner unlike LOST!

Anyway that's it. Again, post a comment if interested. Take it away, Amy...
[from BEAN] Battlestar Galactica Get Together
TV, Family and Friends

UPDATE: Well that was fun, thanks for organizing all of this Amy! And thanks to BEAN-ers Niphon, Svet,Sonja, Emek, for the food and conversation, I am sure we will do this again.

Hey whaddya know a few other people like this show! Amy Chang has suggested some kind of BEAN-ish get together for some Battlestar watching and snacking. We don't have too many details sorted out, but hey please indicate your interest by commenting to this post or Amy's.

Did I mention this show kicks ass? OK first full nerd-dom disclosure: I like Lord of the Rings. I liked star trek. I played Dungeons and Dragons in middle school. I get The Onion joke about "Bill Gates gives self 18 in Charisma." But I have my limits. I have never, ever worn a cape. This show is not really limited to that kind of appeal.

It's smart and full of dialogue, its not reliant on the characters being really good looking, not full of sci fi science mumbo jumbo. There is lots of political and religious conflict, without any ham-fisted messaging. Got suspense, complex characters, and reveals sh*t in a timely manner unlike LOST!

Anyway that's it. Again, post a comment if interested. Take it away, Amy...

Friday, January 13, 2006

[from BEAN] Living on the Edge

Under the cover of darkness and rain, I find it is getting so hard to resist my ultimate temptation. I mean, no one can really see me, inside my car every night, in the protective shield of a million water droplets. Every night I see it, and it is just sitting there, waiting for me to ravish it. The white diamond, neglected, calling to me, haunting my dreams. Yes, the 520 car pool lane.

Is anybody going to call 764-HERO? I dare you! Try it, hero. It's too rainy, too dark. Maybe that thing just looked like some jackets and pillows. Or just maybe, it's my fat cousin taking a nap in the front seat. I mean, I was going 50 mph faster than you, just a blur. At least until I get to the next entrance ramp, where I can blend in, just like nothing happened...