Thursday, November 16, 2006

This is Your Brain On Drugs

(I can't get YouTube to link to my account for some reason.)

If you are the writer for a cartoon, that is. I used to love the Harlem Globetrotters cartoon when I was a young'un. When not kicking whitey's ass at basketball, they each had special superhero powers (which I am totally not making up): One of them could pull useful random shit like a chainsaw or something out of his afro, one could turn into spaghetti, one could turn into a basketball, one could clone himself, and one could turn into liquid. Anyways, if that stuff isn't quite bizarre enough for you, the 'Trotters go to fairy tale land and put on a show for Snow White. Yes that one. This is A-1 material for Mystery Science Theater. There are no circumstances should sexual/racial innuendo could be inserted into this YouTube. But if you can think of any, please feel free to leave them in the comments.



Blogger csp said...

Todd - regarding your earlier post, are you saying that you lost 8 pounds in a week?? WOW!! How did you pull that off?

10:40 PM  

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