Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Whose to Blame?

It's finally the R's, not the D's who have to have some squabbling about who is to blame. They thought that John Kerry was going to lose the election for the D's, buying into thier own hype. An early contender looks to be Donald Rumsfeld, who *ahem* resigned this morning. Actually, I might agree that this IS a huge reason for thier defeat. The blame for keeping him in there of course, would be wit da chimp-in-chief. Iraq should be, and is, reason #1.

Who else? Could it be Rush Limbaugh, with his Parkinson's-mocking tirade against Alex P. Keaton? At least in Missouri it's likely. Neil Cavuto, the Fox money show man, says the Micheal Jackson trial 'distracted people from supporting Bush's privatizing social security'. Hmmmm. Couldn't it be that maybe people don't like that idea? Maybe people don't live in his republican marching band bubble? Of course there are Mark Foley and Ted Haggard. For sure they will get blamed, because they are under-cover homocrats who infiltrated and undermined the Fortress of the Absolute Truth. They were never, ever, real republicans. Was it Ann Coulter's hateful face appearing everywhere?

Safe bets say the goats would be Abramoff (already convicted) and the homocrats. It will be fun to see the feeding frenzy.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just like seeing all the nicey-nice talk Mr. Bush is doing with Madame Pelosi...

8:51 AM  

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