Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Favorite Republican Defeats

Hmmmmmmmm where shall we start? The following scumbags will have no power to make law or government decisions in the US:

Katherine Harris, Sen FL: In 2000, I couldn't have really thought an election would be stolen in the US. After seeing this crazy rightwing candidate ("We will win back America for God", Non-baptized legislators would "Legislate Sin","God is the one that chooses our rulers") I really believe it now. I saw her do an flirtatios interview with Sean Hannity, standing sideways to stick her boobs out. Ho lee shit.

Conrad Burns, Sen MN: We are up against a "faceless enemy" of terrorists "drive taxicabs in the daytime and kill at night." Abramoff payee.

Mike McGavick, Sen WA: Generically bland, empty rhetoric guy. Maybe not the worst republican ever, but his vacuous ideas "paycuts for unbalance budgets" and vapid statements "Prez isn't getting our frustration, we need to win in iraq and then get our troops home" made his ads really annoying. Plus the 4 mil CEO bonus.

(Shelley Sekula Gibbs) ex-Tom Delay, Rep TX: Well what can be said about this shithead that hasn't been said already? Just the fact that a gerrymandered district, who voted for Tom Fucking Delay, would ever elect a democrat is amazing.

George 'Macaca' Allen, Sen VA: Thank you for introducing the word Macaca in everone's dictionary. Loves the confederate flag, despite being from California. Maybe this is too bad, I was hoping he might run for president, as I would have thought he is a sure loser.

J. Kenneth Blackwell, Gov OH: One of these people who claim the democrats support NAMBLA. 2004 election stealing? Maybe. Convicted outgoing R governer invested state employee pension funds in a 'rare coin' collection.

Micheal Steele, Sen MD: Just watched his bullshit on meet the press, yelling at the democrat as to "What is your plan in Iraq?" When asked the same question, it was all ummms and awwws. He actually had a bumper sticker that said "Steele Democrat" with a blue background. He defended this with "Haven't you heard of a Reagan Democrat?" He had no Steele, Republican bumper sticker. Lying idiot.

Rick Santorum, Sen Pa: "In every society, the definition of marriage has not ever to my knowledge included homosexuality. That's not to pick on homosexuality. It's not, you know, man on child, man on dog, or whatever the case may be." Bullying fundamentalist asshole.

Chris Chocola, Rep IN: Heh heh no real reason, other than his being nicknamed Count Chocola.

Richard Pombo Rep CA: Asshole blocked any new wildlife reserves/parks if they ever ever had a road built on him, including logging roads. Steers federal contracts to enrich himself, Abramoff payee.

Don Sherwood, Rep NY: Okay, Okay, I had a mistress. But I didn't choke her! Please forgive me!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh that feels good. All good representatives of the republican party.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think my favorite has to be MS. Harris. Not only did she lose...but her party basically threw her to the sharks...what a wonderful example of Conservative moral standing.

Use and be used.

8:47 AM  

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