Todd's Super-Simplified Economic Philosophy
In a previous post, I had mentioned this:
... my view is that consumerism creates a blandly pleasurable, albiet empty, existence, where at least people can coexist peacefully in mutual dependence. Other people may think of the political strife, exploitation, and environmental destruction associated with it. Who knows? I think the first statement is probably more true, ...
To which I got this stinging reply (I see through the end-smiley face!):
Maybe both are true...and you are experiencing the first half of it and the third world countries are experiencing the second half? Just a thought:)
Just kidding about the stinging. A good point, I think it is definitely true that my experience has been with the good part of consumerism and not the bad part, and thus led to my opinion. But what it really comes down to is my honkey Tom Friedmanesque semi-libertarian economic opinion:
1. A place starts out in total dire poverty, with skeletal kids who don't seem to mind flies crawling on thier eyeballs, etc.
2. Some shitball company opens a factory, and provides crap, Upton Sinclair's Jungle-type jobs where the mortality rate is at least better than total famine.
3. There start to be lots of these people, and they want to form unions and get political power. And with the help of liberals, internationals, spoiled brats who feel guilty about thier wealth, etc. they get some, and start improving thier existence, and infrastructure.
4. Poof! American-Style Democracy, with an Environmental Protection Agency!
Okay maybe step 3-4 has a few sub steps. I wish you could go directly from step 1-4, but that empirically seems too difficult and exploitation just seems to be an unfortunate step in the more natural process. It is nice to see better attempts at 1-4 jumping, like with "fair trade" things, so I can hope this model becomes obsolete!
So bring it on commies!
In a previous post, I had mentioned this:
... my view is that consumerism creates a blandly pleasurable, albiet empty, existence, where at least people can coexist peacefully in mutual dependence. Other people may think of the political strife, exploitation, and environmental destruction associated with it. Who knows? I think the first statement is probably more true, ...
To which I got this stinging reply (I see through the end-smiley face!):
Maybe both are true...and you are experiencing the first half of it and the third world countries are experiencing the second half? Just a thought:)
Just kidding about the stinging. A good point, I think it is definitely true that my experience has been with the good part of consumerism and not the bad part, and thus led to my opinion. But what it really comes down to is my honkey Tom Friedmanesque semi-libertarian economic opinion:
1. A place starts out in total dire poverty, with skeletal kids who don't seem to mind flies crawling on thier eyeballs, etc.
2. Some shitball company opens a factory, and provides crap, Upton Sinclair's Jungle-type jobs where the mortality rate is at least better than total famine.
3. There start to be lots of these people, and they want to form unions and get political power. And with the help of liberals, internationals, spoiled brats who feel guilty about thier wealth, etc. they get some, and start improving thier existence, and infrastructure.
4. Poof! American-Style Democracy, with an Environmental Protection Agency!
Okay maybe step 3-4 has a few sub steps. I wish you could go directly from step 1-4, but that empirically seems too difficult and exploitation just seems to be an unfortunate step in the more natural process. It is nice to see better attempts at 1-4 jumping, like with "fair trade" things, so I can hope this model becomes obsolete!
So bring it on commies!
Nice post T-Man! Except for mis-spelling "their"! I wasnt gonna mention it but you did it twice (and I am drunk...yes, on bum beer!).
Regarding the post...I am curious as to why it ends at step 4?? Are you implying that this is as far as it gets? Some sort of Nirvana, Samadhi, Moksha, Receiving the Holy Ghost etc??
In our tradition, true religion/spirituality begins when you are fed up with step 4 (step 4 = consumerism or to put it in more philosophical terms, material comforts). So after step 4 would begin your quest for 'true' happiness. An internal search...Of course, these words wont make any sense until you actually get to that stage.
In our tradition, true religion/spirituality begins when you are fed up with step 4...
Or, in Prakash's case, its an overdose of bum beer! ;)
More Bum Beer for Hammertime! I was merely limiting my scope to step 4, which may be far from perfection...I shall get into the metaphysical post step 4 aspects after my dose
Sober more bum beer for me!! I will stay in this physical world and no more drifting into the metaphysical world!
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